

Monday, 19 March 2012

TOWS Analysis of Maytag Company

TOWS Analysis is a strategic management tool and an alternative of SWOT Analysis.  SWOT and TOWS are contractions for different provision of the words Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. By analyzing the internal environment (weaknesses and strengths) and external environment (threats and opportunities), a firm can use these practice to think about the strategies for a company or division. It also provides the strategies for the experience and skill enhancement, a marketing campaign etc. Here is the TOWS analysis of Maytag.

                                                    TOWS Matrix

SO Strategies

  • Strong product innovation and marketing & Advertising can be used to take advantage of favored demographics. (S3, S2, O2)
  • Use Brand Image and marketing and advertising to enter the Europe and Latin America (S5, S2, O1)
  • Use intense corporate culture to bring conformity in strategically allied and ventured companies for continuous innovation and quality products (S1, O4)

WO Strategies

  •  Make improved quality and high prices high to offset operating losses (O5,W1)
  • Create more of a market though out Europe and Latin America to gain global recognition (O1,W3)
  • Strategic alliances and joint ventures can be used to help solve distribution problems (O4,W2)

ST Strategies

  • Use intense corporate culture to produce maintain all the legal standards to avoid threat of legal threats (S1, T1)
  • Use intense corporate culture to solve labor union issues so that they never rise up again and disrupt the flow of operations (S1, T6)
  • Use product innovations to come up with radically new features to lift up companies demand in slow growing US industry. (S3, T2).
  • Use marketing and advertising capabilities to capture more of competitor’s share (S2, T3)

WT Strategies

  •  Sell off subsidiaries to gain revenue to enter into new markets (W4, T3)

1 comment:

  1. Very useful and informative stuff about TOWS Matrix Strategies. It is a opposite of SWOT Analysis.
