

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Listening Activities

To improve one's listening skills one needs to do some self-help assignment on regular basis. We are
explaining some activities here which if done on regular basis will enhance your skills greatly.
1. Take a notebook and draw a box like this in it.
Person    Place    Event    ------
______    _____    _____    ______

2. Listen to the English News on any of the TV Channels and catch the HEADLINES only.
3. As you may have noticed, the deadlines are repeated at least three times: first in the beginning,
then when the news are given in detail, and at the end (here the headlines once again).
4. So write the key words ONLY in each of the columns: the name of the person, the place, the
event usually is an action done by someone, and in the final column whatever is remaining to
complete the sense.
5. Do this assignment every day for three months.

Listening to English news is one way of improving your listening skills. You can further improve it by
watching English movies and filling the given box as you are watching them.
Title   Leading Actor/Actress   Character    Word   Dialogue
_____   _____________________   _________    ____   ________
1. Write the name of the movie (or TV serial) in the first column.
2. Write the name of the leading actor and actress in the second column.
3. The actors play roles in the films: write the names they are called in the movies in the third column.
4. While watching the movie, you may hear some words whose pronunciation you may like write
that in the fourth column.
5. Write down the dialogues you liked in the last column.

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