

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Questionnaire on Leadership and Teamwork

Questionnaire is one of the instruments of data collection. It includes a set of questions associated to a problem under research. It aim at getting responses from the target audience; in case the question sequence, response structure, content, wordings of questions, etc. are the same for all target audience. Here is the example questions/questionnaire related to leadership and teamwork, which can be helpful regarding the research of Human Resource Management or Self Management Skills.

Q 1) How does the organization promotes leadership skills in the employees?

       Training programs
       Other (Please Specify)
Q 2) Which leadership style is most preferred in your organization?

       Relation oriented
       Task oriented

Q 3) Which of the following issues of leadership are observed in the organization?

       Relationship with others
       Balance between people and mission
       Time management

Q 4) Which of the following key leadership skills your organization possesses?

       Human recourse skills
       Time management skills
       Decision making skills
       Interpersonal skills
       Abstract skills

Q 5) Does your organization promote team work?

       If yes, than how?
       If no, than why?

Q 6) Which of the following teams are formed within your organization?

       Problem solving team
       Cross functional team
       Self managed workers team
       Virtual team
       Others (please specify)

Q 7) How frequently the team leader gives one on one session to its team members?

       Once a week
       Twice a week
       Once in a month
       Others (please specify)

Q 8) To what extent the company allows its team leaders to delegate authorities to its members?


Q 9) What steps does your organization take to motivate team building in employees?

       Training programs
       Others (please specify)

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