

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Career Planning and Business Etiquettes Questionnaire

Questionnaire is one of the instruments of data collection. It includes a set of questions associated to a problem under research. It aim at getting responses from the target audience; in case the question sequence, response structure, content, wordings of questions, etc. are the same for all target audience. Here is the example questions/questionnaire related to career planning and business etiquette, which can be helpful regarding the research of Human Resource Management or Self Management Skills.

Q 1) What career planning programs are offered by your organization?
       Career centre
       Placement services
       Career counseling seminars
       Others (please specify)

Q 2) What are the various career concerns usually observed in the employees of your organization?

       Job stability 
       Fringe benefits
       Goodwill of the company
       Others (please specify)

Q 3) Which career planning factors are usually considered by your organization at the time of hiring employees?

       Personal skills
       Communication Skills
       Others (please specify)

Q 4) How does your organization plan to implement business etiquettes in its employees?

       Training centre
       Written codes of conduct
       One-on-one discussion
       Others (please specify)

Q 5) which business etiquettes does your organization usually focus on?

       Dealing with customers
       Professional presence
       Time management
       Others (please specify)
.                _________________________     

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